
The SOO Green HVDC Link is a 350-mile 2,100 MW, 525KV underground high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission line running along existing rail corridors from Iowa to Illinois.

The SOO Green HVDC Link will utilize modern grid technology to build the first link of a national HVDC clean energy power grid.

By connecting the nation’s two largest power markets – MISO in the Midwest, and PJM in the east – the SOO Green HVDC Link will help meet America’s growing demand for affordable, zero-carbon electricity.

The SOO Green HVDC Link will utilize a unique development approach to avoid the siting and permitting challenges that have historically hindered development of new overhead power transmission. The project seeks to replicate the model used to successfully build America’s fiber optic network by placing an underground HVDC transmission line along an existing railroad from North Central Iowa to Northern Illinois.

This innovative, minimally invasive and environmentally superior way to build transmission avoids the visual impact of overhead transmission lines, minimizes tree clearing, avoids sensitive wildlife habitat and limits impacts to neighboring landowners.

SOO Green will create new value for renewable energy suppliers, power marketers and consumers by linking generation produced in the Midwest electricity market (operated by MISO, the Mid-Continent Independent System Operator) to consumers in the Eastern electricity market (operated by PJM Interconnection). SOO Green will supply residential, municipal and commercial customers in PJM with reliable, affordable and clean energy.